Showing posts with label APA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label APA. Show all posts


DSM UPDATE: APA To Sugarcoat Pathologization of Transgender In DSM-5

Sick is Sick.

The APA has decided to keep transgender in the DSM-5. While acknowledging the controversy they continue to ignore the resulting detrimental affects it has on transgender people. You can use whatever words you like to pathologize transgender and transsexuals, but calling our naturally occurring socially beneficial gender diversity a mental illness is, well, sick.

Pandering to the undecided and those who have insurance and in a attempt to avoid becoming completely irrelevant in regards to gender diversity, they will use "dysphoria" instead of "disorder" but in the end it means the same thing. You are mentally ill or just plain "SICK".

Some highlights of the proposed changes as noted by Med page today:

Whats changed:

Gender identity disorder. Individuals who believe their biological gender doesn't match their gender identification will no longer be labeled with a disorder. Instead, if they seek psychiatric treatment, they can be labeled with "gender dysphoria."

The workgroup responsible for dealing with the hot-button issue considered a variety of other approaches, addressed later in this article. Ultimately they settled on a formal diagnosis -- potentially qualifying a patient for insurance-paid treatment if they want it -- but with a less pejorative name than "disorder."

What the APA refused to change:

Transgenderism as a V code. In seeking to destigmatize what was called gender identity disorder in DSM-IV, one proposal was to list it -- with or without a new name -- as a so-called V code. In DSM-IV, this was a chart code used to flag items of clinical interest that were not diagnosable or treatable conditions in their own right -- such as problems at school or noncompliance with treatment.

It was rejected, as were suggestions that the condition be dropped from DSM-5 altogether.


Transition is much like childbirth. As we transition our true expressions emerge and this can be a wonderful experience or it can be so traumatic it kills the mother.

Why is the APA contributing to our distress? Many believe as I do the APA's main interest is job security and being a enabler for pharmaceutical profiteering. proposed changes

5000 member Facebook event "petition the APA Remove Transgender from The DSM"


Faith leaders applaud APA resolution


Pedro Julio Serrano
Communications Coordinator
(Office) 646.358.1479
(Cell) 787.602.5954

Faith leaders applaud APA resolution

WASHINGTON, Aug. 6 — The National Religious Leadership Roundtable, convened by the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, responded to the American Psychological Association’s (APA) resolution, adopted at the organization’s annual convention, that states that mental health professionals should avoid telling clients that they can change sexual orientation through therapy or other treatments.

Statement by the Rev. Rebecca Voelkel
National Religious Leadership Roundtable

“The American Psychological Association has clearly articulated that ‘reparative therapies’ don’t work, in fact they can be very harmful. This resolution is welcomed news for all who support the full humanity, morality and worth of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people, especially those of us who do so because of our religious understandings.

“At the Task Force, we have worked with more than 3,400 congregations to create environments that are supportive and affirming of LGBT people. In addition to these, there are many, many supporters of LGBT people within many religious traditions, even those whose official policy is anti-LGBT. This is important because, while it may be the most psychologically healthy move for some to leave their religious denomination of birth, for others, faith, family, ethnicity, race and culture are inextricably linked and leaving is not an option. For these folks, finding those allies and supporters within their tradition is critical to spiritual and mental health.

“Additionally, the report makes some important statements about the relationship between science and religion. Being deeply religious does not necessarily mean being anti-LGBT. In fact, this report shows that religious practice and belief can and does translate into support for LGBT people. The truth is that religion and science do not have to be opposed to one another. In fact, science can be an enormously important tool for understanding the grandeur and wonder of God’s creation. In this case, science helps us understand more fully the gift of sexuality — one of God’s greatest gifts.”

Read the release from the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force