
The Mystery of Coming Out

By Kelli Busey
Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Dr. Renee Baker's interview of Feleshia Porter MS LPC, in a article about the mystery of coming out, Dallas Edge.com made me pause to reflect, what a gift we have. Felishia Porter who is a Licensed Professional Counselor from Dallas Texas feleshiaporter.com, is a widely known and highly regarded therapist who understands the transgender experience. Both Ms Porter and Ms baker contribute many hours to local non profits, and have dedicated their lives to helping people to better understand ourselves and to appreciate the potentials that lay within.

The process of transition in gender identity involves learning about ourselves It has many twist and turns and even a few very rough roads. Feleshia has the manual so you can fix your mojo should you get a flat and should your battery go out, she will shine a light for you to see the wonder of the coming day.

Her inspiration has saved lost and desperate souls. She makes her life available for all, that we to may witness what is the true splendor of being.

In this we are eternally grateful to you Feleshia Porter.

Ms Porter shared this with me when I first started to see her and I have modified it as my life experences have grown. It is a guide for me and is as valuable today as the first time I read it.
I am deserving. I deserve all good. Not some, not a little, but all good.

I now move past all negative, restricting thoughts.
My expectations are positive.
I release and let go of the limitations of my parents. I love them, and go beyond them. I am not their negative opinions, nor their limiting beliefs.

I acknowledge my parents as human beings. They expressed great love, but as true as in all of us,
they perceived limitations.
I now am attempting to move past preconceptions.

I am not bound by any of the fears or prejudices of the current society I live in. I no longer identify with limitations of any kind.
I wish to free myself of the shackles of shame.

In my mind, I have total freedom. I now move into a space of consciousness, where I am willing to see myself differently. I am willing to create new thoughts about myself and about my life.
My new thinking becomes new experiences.

As each day unfolds, I am rewarded with a reflection of joy.

I now know and affirm that I am at one with the prospering power of the universe. As such, I now prosper in a number of ways.
I now accept my higher power and embrace our oneness.

The totality of possibilities lies before me.
The infinite is being unveiled.

I deserve life, a good life.
I deserve love, an abundance of love. I deserve joy and happiness.
I deserve freedom to be all that I can be. I deserve more than that.
I deserve all good.
The universe is more than willing to manifest my new beliefs. And I accept this abundant life with joy and pleasure and gratitude.
For I am deserving. I accept it, I know it to be true.
Thank you Feleshia Porter
Thank you Rennee Baker

In solidarity

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